iPod Repair

Music Is Freedom.
Even your trusty iPod can go down every once in a while. If it’s not playing music, misplacing songs, or giving you the ‘sad iPod’ face, don’t throw it away! We can also upgrade the battery so that it’s back to (or well beyond) its former glory, with an estimated 15-20 hour battery life.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
We offer a 90-day Guaranteed Warranty. If anything goes wrong with your upgrades, we will repair / replace them at no charge.
Quality Is Important
We’ll only ever use Apple-approved, OEM (original equipment manufacturer) parts when upgrading your device.
Always the Right Price
Don’t pay an insane markup for new upgrades — we offer the same parts, for less. Typical battery upgrade charge is $50, iPod touch screen is $​70 - $120,​ and general iPod repair is $40 ​(parts not included).

We understand that your livelihood may very well depend on your computer. We also understand that you may not be able to pay to fix your broken computer. This sort of catch-22 is no fun for anyone.

We want to help you, which is why we do a free repair and/or upgrade every month. If you need us, please send us a detailed email explaining your situation.

Proudly Employing Only Macintosh Certified Technicians
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