Data Recovery

Keep Spinning.
Our data recovery service specializes in recovering your photos, m​usic,​ documents, and — as a general rule — most important files. As long as the data is actually recoverable, we’ll track down your data.
Our Doors Are Open
Before you spend thousands somewhere else, bring your Mac and associated hard drive over. We’ll be honest about how much data we think we can recover.
Time Is Important
We want to respect your schedule. Once we’ve agreed upon a final c​ompletion ​time, rest assured that it will be met.
Always the Right Price
On average, we charge less than one tenth of what specialized Data Recovery places do, and we can get your data 80% of the time. Why go to a place that charges over $1000 when​ o​ur average price for data recovery sits at about $150?

We understand that your livelihood may very well depend on your computer. We also understand that you may not be able to pay to fix your broken computer. This sort of catch-22 is no fun for anyone.

We want to help you, which is why we do a free repair and/or upgrade every month. If you need us, please send us a detailed email explaining your situation.

Proudly Employing Only Macintosh Certified Technicians
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